Tuesday, July 15, 2008


because she's above it all.

Just STFU why don't chu

Seraphinelle, shouldn't you be somewhere studying otomotry or is the call center wearing you out? For someone who suppose to be so intelligent and poised, you certainly give off a hoodrat e-phony feel. In the thick of things, no one really cares that much about message boards except e-Losers and RL nutcases. Which one are you?

Fall back knight!


Anonymous said...

"In the thick of things, no one really cares that much about message boards except e-Losers and RL nutcases. Which one are you?"

nevermind which one sera is, your ass is both! before you call someone out, check yourself; you need to fall back lmao! you're sounding like a big ass hypocrite since you have to start a whole blog about those in LHCF. you're quite pathetic and stupid.

Unknown said...

totally agreed! tisi101

sad pathetic hater

get a life!

Henri said...

Disgusting coward.
If you had any spine left in that mass of blubber called your body, you'd say who you are and say why you have a problem with these LHCF ladies that have done NO wrong to you or any one else.
but of course you wont, you spineless gutless piece of shit...I'd spit on you happily, but my saliva doesn't deserve to be deposited on your sad sorry arse.

Anonymous said...

Everything you are saying true, some of those lhcf'ers are some of the nastiest bithces I have ever encounted on or offline. But if you really want to make a splash you need to get gully. They are pissed off over there, you need to drive the knife in deeper.

Anonymous said...

lmao! eris, i see you're blowing smoke up this lame chick's ass. start your own blog too, hon. you hate the board yet you STAY on lhcf paying your $6/50/$5 and spending enough time there frequenting more places than the hair-board in order to gather your almighty opinion.

you bitter and angry girls should stay off the board. seems like you've been cut deeper more than anyone on lhcf will ever be. you're consumed with hate and rage whilst most of us find this shit FUNNY as hell! lmao!

Anonymous said...

maybe I will start my own blog, use plenty of pictures, and expose the people anyway I can! Shoot, I might just make up stuff! It'll be fun to see what happens! Oh, and you might want to check your fotki's shit is about to get raided!

Anonymous said...

LMAO. please save your threats for 6 year olds who might actually be scared by it. why start a new blog when you have this one? oh wait, you still have plenty free time even though you have this one!